How We Work

                                                 How We Work

Fundamental for us is provision of professional advice: e.g. in a conceptual phase (I) certain indicated/required analyses and documents are elaborated like feasibility studies for comparison of given options, the conceptual design of identified solutions is developed or safety assessments conducted etc. 

Optionally, if facilities need to be updated or renewed, as follow-up of phase I developed concepts are refined in an engineering phase (II). Subsequently, the engineering design can be realized in a construction phase (III).

Which exact documents/project tasks are indicated depend on the individual situation, the objective and the regulatory requirements of a project. However, an exemplary project structure could look like:

 Exemplary structure of a consulting/engineering project (phases II/III are optional).

Here each phase 
- concludes with regulatory approval to proceed with the (optional) next phase
- generates the tender documents for the next phase.

On demand GeoEnergy Consult’s partner network, experienced engineering companies deliver phases II and III. Here we can take on the role of a client representative controlling the suppliers. 

Usually our engineering partners deliver/install new facilities and the client will operate those. However, in particular cases even operation could be provided by the original supplier as a phase IV.

As the management of NORM is seldomly available "off-the-shelf", GeoEnergy Consult customizes developed solutions according to specific needs. This could even involve scientific research & development, if indicated.

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